I was really tired from all the work I did last week. I am an arts teacher ,and apart from the fact that kids are really stressful. I had to prepare them for cultural day . When everything was done and my school came second in port Harcourt, I decided to take a 2 days sick leave and stay home. My always busy boyfriend had traveled for a business meeting and I couldn’t even go and see him, I needed to stretch my body in a different way. Exercising wasn’t what I needed. I needed a massage. “Hey baby” my boyfriend said from the other side of the phone. “The baby you don’t get to see when you really need to” I replied “I’m sorry love, I am hoping to get back by weekend, I will make it up to you” he said “can I do anything now to make you feel a little better”? he asked “Well, I need a massage so I need you physically present for that ” I answered him . “When I get back, I will give you a massage, but I’ll send a guy to you. He’s so good, I’m sure you’ll feel better afterwards” he replied I was stunned, “a guy”?  I asked him, hoping I didn’t hear him well. “isn’t that uncomfortable for you ” I added I trust you baby he said, I kind of trust him too. He added. “Ok baby, thank you baby” I said and ended the call. 30 minutes later I heard a knock on my door, I had already changed into a silky transparent dress that will be easy to pull. I Can’t say I wasn’t uncomfortable with the whole arrangement but there was a bit of excitement somewhere inside of me, I wanted to be touched by another man apart from my boyfriend. Dave was my first , he has showed me more love  than I have ever received in my life, he does everything I want without blinking, he is just always unavailable physically due to work. “Hi Dodeye , Dave sent me to you “ an almost edible looking guy said,as i opened the door. I couldn’t stop admiring his features . His crescent of moon eyebrows were thin and narrow with an imperious nose and angular check bones. He had a manly Sampson physique and as I asked him to come in, I watched him walk in with an athletic grace.

I tried to take my mind off him and concentrate on the reason he was here, besides Dave sent him to me so I can’t do nothing with him. I thought. I laid in bed with just my panties on, he stayed above me and started touching  my shoulders softly , he took some oil and started  massaging my back gently with his smooth hands, I was trying to stop the sounds from escaping my mouth so I bit my lower lips . He moved his hands to my neck rubbing it up and down with so much dedication, I couldn’t hold it anymore and I started moaning  gently, he went down to my thighs massaging  them with so much passion, his hands going up as if he’s about to touch my V and then goes down slowly, he did this a few times like  he was teasing me intentionally and BOY!!!!! It was working,  I could feel my juices dripping. He turned me around , my b***s facing him, then he started massaging  my thighs staring at me at intervals, i looked at him and all I wanted to do was eat him up literally. His eyes were giving him away, they said he wanted me. He tilted forward concentrating on my neck . my lips directly below his, I raised my head up a bit and our lips touched  each other , he shifted but I followed  his direction and planted a kiss on his lips. He got up like he wanted to leave, I got up too and asked him what the problem is “I can’t do this to Dave he said. “Dave doesn’t have to know, I replied pushing him to the wall. He would have pushed me out of there if he didn’t want to, but he stood there looking at me, I moved my head forward and kissed him, he held my neck and kissed me so deeply like he wanted to take my soul out of my body . He pushed me to the bed and started rubbing his soft hands on my body, I closed my eyes as every touch made me shiver in a different way . I felt his hands slowly moving to my tits, he squeezed one gently while fondling the nipples of the other one. My toes started squeezing, my hands scratching his back as i was moaning uncontrollably.  He put my right b***s into his mouth, doing things to it with his tongue, his hands not leaving the nipples of the other.. I could feel his rod on my thighs, it was hard and jerking like it needed to be touched. I started pulling his shorts down, sounds from both of us like music, wants turning into needs, emotions getting heightened and liquids dripping.. His hand left  my nipples and found its way to my V fondling my clit, I started playing with his D, rubbing its cap with his precum.  Time wasn’t on our side as I guessed he had other jobs to do so I put his D into my mouth , licking off everything, I kissed it from top to bottom, then used my tongue to lick every part of it from bottom to top, one hand fondling his balls and the other rubbing the head of his D, I tried to insert everything into my mouth, it was so big I choked but I kept  sucking it, my hands didn’t leave  his balls , I put everything deep in my throat and it came out with so much moisture , I started going  sloopy with it, using it as a play tool, a lollipop and a lip stick.. He was  making a lot of sounds that suggested he liked what I was doing, I could feel his waist moving faster.. I wasn’t about to let him cum, I needed that D in me.. so I got on top of him and put the instrument  into my paradise, not letting everything go inside, I started riding just the tip.. he was acting like he wanted to go crazy, then he started screaming  “ my cap, my cap” when I asked him what was wrong with his cap , he said “ its soooo excited” I couldn’t laugh cos I was pretty excited too, he grabbed my b***s and pushed all of his D into me from underneath, I could feel my walls expand and a new inch of depth formed. I started going up and down, practising all the twerking skills on him.. he was stroking  from underneath and I noticed we were on the same pace.  His D was hitting the right spots and I was speaking languages I had never learnt.. he pushed me down and turned me to the spoon position , going in and out of me slowly , his right hands rubbing both nipples  at once, I could feel my brain rotate, I took my hand down my clit and started fondling it.. it was a new level of pleasure, it was the highest level of pleasure.. I felt my soul leaving my body.  He increased his pace, and squeezed my nipples a little too hard “sweet pain” . He started making  funny sounds and my eyes started rotating uncontrollably then I felt a force leave my body , just before I could understand what was going on, I saw liquid splashing everywhere, I was screaming like I saw a ghost.. My waist was about to cut, he kept hitting me hard till he deposited his juices in me.. We laid down there for what seemed like forever. I had never felt half the level of pleasure I just did, I was trying to get myself when he got up and said he wanted to leave. “Dave doesn’t have to know” I said to him with the little strength I had. He nodded and left. I couldn’t stop thinking about that day, I couldn’t tell Dave I needed another massage, it was 3 days after and the thought of the experience made me almost orgasm every time. “ hello” I said as I picked up the phone. “ hi, I’m thinking maybe, I could come and give you another massage, if you don’t mind”?  a very familiar voice asked “please do,  I’ve wanted a massage for 3 days now” I said as I got up to change into something more revealing…   The END

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About Author


My name is Queenette Dodeye Obongha, Founder/ Curator of Dodeye's Corner. I am an Artist, Story Teller, Food/Travel enthusiast and finally "Our Mordern Day Monalisa" .

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    Hello ,

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    I have subscribed to your newsletter. 🙂

    Hope to hear from you soon.

    Maybe I will add link to your website on my website and you will add link to my website on your website? It will improve SEO of our websites, right? What do you think?

    Jan Zac

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      Pls can you send a mail?

    The details in this short story are so precise! Seems so real

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      Thank you so much. I’m glad you like it. My aim is to create almost real pictures in people’s minds.. I’m glad I’m getting there

    The moral of this story is ‘na enjoyment go kill you’😂 nice one as usual bebe💞

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      Lol… enjoyment is sweet. Thanks Bebe ❤️

    Ahhh my chest 😩😩😩😩 Dodeye!! You are just awesome!

    But Dave didn’t deserve this😪😪

    Oh well 😃😃😃

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      Thank you ….. I don’t think Dave deserved it too but…

    OK this is just amazing. I felt like I was there just reading this lol

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      thank you for your feedback. im glad

    i have always thought of u writing a story and today u wrote an imaginable story buh nyc story sha

    Pleasure Unparalled! What Dave Doesn’t Know Can’t Hurt Him.Besides Why In The World Did Dave Have To Send A Masseur That Looked Like A Greek God? Bet He Didn’t Think She Would Feel For Him, Eh? Hold On A Second…. Why Do All The Men In These Stories Have To Look So Damn Appealing? You Need A Little Ugly Guy Like The Myget, Lannister From Game Of Thrones Whth An Igbo Accent But With Great Talents Too..

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      Lol. Dodeye always meet the good looking ones.

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