I have never really liked attending or being involved in weddings. Don’t get me wrong, I Love “LOVE” and I like the happiness in the eyes of the couple on their big day..

My friend called me to inform me about her cousins Aseobi, I didn’t think I was going to do any Aso ebi this year,I didn’t want to. The stress of sewing, the money involved.. The commitments.. Nah, not me.

Aso-Ebi means “clothes for the family” but it has evolved into “clothes for friends”

After a second thought I decided to get the material, I’ll have to go for the wedding anyway and I’ll need to get an outfit so why not just get this? It won’t hurt plus I’m getting older and people say the “Aso ebi ” girls meet suitors more, so why not?

I didn’t want the regular Aso ebi styles, using the same material all through and the Aseoke for just the head.. I wanted my outfit to look traditional with a bit of modern touch. I can be a little extra so I wanted my gown to flow and have a very long tail so that when dancing, the person behind me will be far off, but the fabric was just 3yards and it couldn’t work out.. 
I love off-shoulders because it flatters my beauty bone that is almost invisible due to the uninvited fat that keeps coming into my system.. You can see that I used my Ase oke for the off shoulder and then a sequin fabric to make the outfit look a bit Modern.

I wanted to do everything right and look really good , so I contacted a professional makeup artist, I didn’t eat a lot two days before the wedding so that my dress will fit perfectly.. So, we had a group chat for the brides maids and the Aso ebi girls, some people in the group were already gushing about their dresses and how they’ll slay.. I didn’t say a word, I like to suprise people..

LADIES AND GENTLEMEN (rings bells) welcome Dodeye, to her first Aso ebi wedding… 

Notice my Aso eke was tied like a rose? I wanted to look really English, I guess I kind of tried.. It was a really simple looking yet complicated style.. It looked like I didn’t try so hard but I did. I practically choked the tailor more than once..

You know how hard it is to explain a style without a picture? Shout out to My tailor for making me look exactly how I wanted..  
See the back? The small tail? I wanted it longer but I guess the universe said “chill” and my material decided to finish.. 
I got a thousand and one compliments, I got a lot of complimentary looks from people, hateful looks from some of the Aso ebi girls. All of it was flattering, I got to dance, go down, go back and then move a little bit to the front ..

Guess what? The person behind me had to be far back…

I am sorry I made it about myself and not the bride.. That is why this post is in the “Vain Corner” categories…

Have you ever been involved in Aso ebi ? How did you slay? You can drop pictures on the comment section…

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About Author


My name is Queenette Dodeye Obongha, Founder/ Curator of Dodeye's Corner. I am an Artist, Story Teller, Food/Travel enthusiast and finally "Our Mordern Day Monalisa" .


    I have never been a bride’s maid,joined aso ebi or even attended a wedding without my parents.😩
    I’ve had numerous opportunities but I always come up with excuses not to.
    Someone recently said -if I never join, no one will join my own.
    Oh Well…i have a lot of sisters and cousins and a mum who has been actively attending weddings for decades…..those people will participate.
    I enjoyed reading this especially the part where….” you choked the tailor more than once” 😂.
    You totally slayed.❤

      Hahaha 😂😂😂
      They keep threatening us with that “if you don’t attend other people’s own, they won’t attend yours” please please please.. We will be fine. But you should totally do one.. I’m hoping to be a chief brides maid too..


    You really looked gorgeous, and the pink colour flattered you.. I have been on a brides maid train thrice😂 and worn aso-ebi twice, but none of them were my friends sef…😂 I love wedding sha, i’ve been begging my friends to get married 🙈

      Hahahaha!!! So i think ill start attending weddings more..

        Hahaha may be you should… I haven’t attended any for while now though.

    Reblogged this on Dream Big, Dream Often.

    You look fabulous and the dress is awesome. Hope you met the perfect suitor 🙂

      Thank you very much
      Sadly, I didn’t find…

    Is this really you? If yes, you look even way better than the dodeye u described in those fictional stories.

      Thank you… That is me, I will try to describe myself better..

    Why am I just reading this Aso Ebi story lol

    My first Asoebi too was last year…. I thought it was already going to flop.. but turned out amazing!!!! I had a lovely outfit and I looked peng!!!! Your outfit is… something else 😍😍😍😍

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      Nice. I’m glad it turned out amazing

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