I’m hungry. I texted Kolitem.
I’m not your mother she replied.
But I love you and you love caring for me. I text back.
Dodeye you’re too stubborn, I can’t be your mother. You might beat me. She replied.
Lol you’re just a fish, where are you? I asked.
I’m at Marian, come to Nise let me get you cake and icecream. I know that’s what you want. She replied.
Yay on my way already I text back, dropped my phone, opened the wardrobe looking for something to wear.

Were you flying Dodeye? Why did you get here so fast? Kolitem asked.
I didn’t want you to wait too long , you’re not even happy. I said as I drew the chair back and sat down.
Chocolate cake and strawberry flavored ice cream yh? She said getting up and walking to the counter.
This girl you like doing like you know me too much.I said laughing.   
What did you come to do in Marian? Your normal photo shoot? this one you are looking all caked up. I asked while we were eating.
Photoshoot ke! I came to see LaEstelle o,she wants me to model for her. she said. As for me looking fine,there’s this boy in calabar,I need to look good all the time, he might see me anytime. She added.  
I don’t get you Kolitem I said and dug into my icecream.

Remember that show I went for Dodeye? I saw this boy, he’s so fine.she said chewing her cake.  
Describe him, I might know him I told her.
You don’t know him jor, he’s a new face. Okay! he’s tall, dark, was on low cut, really bright eyes, pink lips, Dodeye you won’t understand, you need to see him,
Did you hear him speak? I asked her.
Omg he was saying something to his friend when I passed, his voice sounded like heaven. She said closing her eyes and smiling.
What’s all this biko? Calm down jor. Did you get his name? I asked her.
yes I did but I won’t tell you before you go and look for him on Facebook.
Eat him now I said and we both laughed and continued with our snacks.

YOU CAN ALSO READ The survivor

Hello! The person from the car that stopped in front of me said.
Hi. I replied.
where are you going? He asked.
Federal housing I replied
okay come in, I’m going there he said trying to open the door.
I’m fine. Thankyou I said walking away.
Oh come in, I don’t bite he said moving the car to meet me.
Okay. I said and got into the car. I’m Niyi, you?
I’m Dodeye I replied.
Dodeye? A nickname or?
It’s my real name, my native name actually I told him.
Where are you from? He asked. Cross river, Yakurr precisely I answered.
Oh! I’m scared, I heard they eat human beings there he said with a funny face.
Be very afraid I said laughing and he joined.    
Thank you for the ride I said with a smile as we got to my gate.
it was my pleasure he replied looking at me.
I opened the door and was about to come down from the car when he said ‘Dodeye’.
Yes.I answered as I sat.
please can I have your number? He said with a cute puppy look.
Erm! Give me your number ill text you I told him.
No no no, I won’t be able to wait for a text that might not come in, please your number please. He said looking at me.
Okay. I got his phone, typed the number, said bye and went into my house, jumped on my bed.

Hello Dodeye, this is Niyi. Remember me?
Sure I remember.I said trying to fix my headphones so I can hear him clearly.
Why are you sounding like this? were you sleeping? he asked.
Yeah. I said stretching.
I’m close to your house, come outside. He said!
Why didn’t you let me know you were coming I told him trying to wear a shirt.
can’t I surprise a friend? I’m here he replied and cut the call……
This is for you he said as he brought a bag from the back seat of the car.Before I could completely say thank you, he said ‘oh my God, you’re a breath of fresh air Dodeye’.
how? I asked surprised.
see how beautiful you look without makeup, its hard to see girls look natural and beautiful at the same time these days .
Thank you. I replied smiling.
We talked for sometime in his car,told me he works in Agip port harcourt but his office sent him to do something here. i told him I’m schooling. we talked about a lot of random things and then I told him its getting late and I wanted to go inside.
Will I see you again soon? he asked before I stepped out. I just smiled and walked to the house.

‘Hey Kolitem’ I said and tapped her back as I noticed she was the one standing in front of me.
Dodeye she shouted, I didn’t even notice you were behind me. what did you come to buy?
School stuff for Maryrose, she will go back on Sunday I told her.
Okay, I came to get a black skirt. this radiography people won’t let us be she said laughing.
Okay get it now let me round up, so we can just go to E3 restaurant, eat and chill. I’m really hungry and this calabar sun isn’t helping.

Let me see the black skirt I said stretching my hand as we were seated with our food in front of us @ E3restaurant. ‘Here’ she said as she handed the skirt over to me.
it’s fine, I told her and gave her back.
So what has been happening she asked me trying to fix the skirt into her bag.
Nothing much I replied except there’s this boy sha!! I added.
Oh a boy. she said smiling and looking really excited.
Calmdown its nothing serious, he offered me a ride, came back in the evening to see me with chocolates and all, he’s cool sha. I told her while trying to tear my chicken apart.
Give me details now, ahah, what kind of half gist is this? Is he fine? Hows his car? Do you like him? Tell me jor. She said with so much interest.
Okay yeah, he’s really handsome, prince charming type handsome, I don’t know the name of the car, but it’s okay. You know I’m not into cars like that but  Kolitem his voice is to die for, when he speaks it  does something to me, I can’t explain. Yes I like him but i don’t really know him so I have to be careful and oh! He’s funny. I told her. Hmm, handsome, perfect voice and funny? Don’t let this one go o. You are getting old, you need a boyfriend in your life.
Don’t we all? I said laughing.
How is that your boy now? I asked her.
It’s just stalking on Facebook I’m still on o, but trust me very soon we will meet.
Goodluck I told her and we both laughed and continued with our food.

Hey beautiful,how was your day?  Niyi asked from the other side of the phone.
Hello Niyi, it’s past 10pm, why ain’t you sleeping? You said your day was going to be stressful I said trying to unplug my phone and lie comfortably.
How can I sleep without talking to you? You didn’t say how your day went.He said.
It was alright, I replied, went to the market apart from waiting for a cab coming to federal housing for over 20 mins under the sun , every other thing was okay I added.
Sorry much! You would have called me to come take you home. he said with a lot of pity in his voice.
You said you’ll be busy, besides it wasn’t too much trouble I told him.
Next time please call me. he said.
we talked at length that night, he told me about his colleague and how he made a mistake in his presentation, we laughed, I told him about my brother and dad’s argument earlier today. We spoke for almost an hour and then we decided to sleep.


” Come to marina by 4.30 and see a movie with me ( Jupiter Ascending). Jennifer ” was the message I saw when I heard a beep on my phone and checked. Oh! Today is Jennifer’s birthday I remembered, I didn’t even wish her a happy birthday.
I changed my dp to her picture, and sent her a happy birthday message. It’s been a while I saw Abigal, I’m sure she will be there……

Happy birthday love. I said and hugged Jennifer when I saw her at the counter trying to get a drink.
‘So you can’t look for a friend Abigal’ I said as I saw Abigal at the other side getting a ticket with Kolitem.
‘boo!!’ I screamed as I hugged Kolitem.
Dodeye what  will you have? Jennifer asked as I was talking to Abigal and Kolitem.
‘Hotdog and Schweppes’.kolitem and I said in unison.
Did she ask you Kolitem? I asked her and we all laughed.
We got all we wanted and went inside to see the movie.
In the middle of the movie I heard my phone ring! Oh shit I didn’t put my phone on silence. I said trying to remove the phone from my bag.
” I’m seeing a movie, can’t pickup now. Will call you when I’m done ” I text Niyi when I saw the call was from him. “Text me when you’re almost done so I can come and take you home ” he replied.
Who are you texting up and down Dodeye? Kolitem whispered to me.
It’s that boy I told you about, he’s coming to pick me after the movie,you can meet him. I whispered back..

He’s outside Kolitem. let’s go I said, hugged Abigal and Jennifer goodbye.
Okay. she replied and followed me.
We walked outside, I spotted his car and we walked towards the car.
Hey Niyi, meet Kolitem my friend, Kolitem meet Niyi. I said as I tossed my bag into the car.
Pleasure to meet you Kolitem, hope you enjoyed the movie? he asked her.
Nice to meet you too, yes I did she answered coldly, hugged me and left. I entered into the car.
You look adorable Dodeye. Niyi said as he started driving out. 
Thank you I replied reaching for my phone as I heard it beep, I opened the message from Kolitem and saw
” That’s the boy, the one I told you about ” Holy shit! I exclaimed.
Dodeye are you okay? Niyi asked, it seems he was saying something and I didn’t hear.
sorry what were you saying? I asked him and then my phone beeped again, it was another message from Kolitem, I opened it and saw  
” I’m very sure our Friendship is important to you Dodeye ”


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About Author


My name is Queenette Dodeye Obongha, Founder/ Curator of Dodeye's Corner. I am an Artist, Story Teller, Food/Travel enthusiast and finally "Our Mordern Day Monalisa" .

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    Nice story. Thank you for inspiring.

    … I smell beef

    I love this one *Story*.
    So, did it bring beef between you two ?
    Girls isshh..

      Thankyou so much for your feedback. Glad you like it… Haha! Well friendship 1st

        Perfect!!! Nice one.

    Jesu….. see ultimatum naaa lmao

    It was a long time ago though, my friend and I have liked the same person but we got over it pretty fast

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      Friendship over any unhealthy crush

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