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May and I chatted a lot , we never lacked what to talk about probably cos she’s from akwaibom , lives in uyo but spends most of the holidays in Calabar with her cousins , we talked about people, places and a lot of other things…. She suggested we hang out on Tuesday so I can have a feel of the city without Dele by my side…. I liked the idea so we agreed to meet at lekki shoprite by 3pm…    I got to shoprite before 3pm cos I finished from work by 2pm,plus the traffic wasn’t so much too… I was just looking around when I heard someone say “Dodeye” I looked up and saw May.. Checked my time and it was 3.02pm…. I’m impressed, you keep to time I told her, my friends in Calabar are never punctual I added and she laughed.. Well maybe when they come to Lagos they’ll understand that time is important she said while we walked to the other side of shoprite where we could sit….. After sitting we ordered for snacks and drinks, I was really hungry so I just couldn’t wait to start eating, we started talking about people walking around, laughing at how some were dressed. You see why I said I can’t hang with this Lagos girls ba? How can someone dress like that? May said as she pointed to one girl that looked like a rainbow.. It’s not all of them that are like that, see that one over there now I said pointing at a pretty light skinned girl that was standing at one corner… Go and ask her, she will tell you she’s here to visit, May answered defensively… I said “okay o, I’m not sure what beef you have with Lagos girls so I won’t say anything anymore” after we finished our snacks we got some chocolates and left, May showed me a few other places before we departed and I headed home…. 

    I got home pretty tired and excited at the same time, it was fun hanging out with May…..Just when I wore my nightie and was about to sleep Dele’s call came in….. How are you doing baby? He asked… I’m fine love, just a bit tired I replied… Sorry baby, traffic was too much? He asked, not really, it’s just I was hanging out with May and we went to a lot of places I replied… May? Today? He asked raising his voice… Yes May, why are you shouting? I asked him…then the call ended abruptly… I didnt have airtime and I was hoping he would call back but he didn’t so I slept off wondering why he shouted…  

  Why did you end the call like that last night? Was the first question I asked Dele when I got into the car, like how? He asked me like he had no idea… The way you did when we were talking I replied already getting upset..I cant remember why he answered…after about 10minutes of silence he said your house or mine? Please go where you want I answered him looking at my phone… Are you upset? He asked sounding surprised ..really you’re upset? He asked again cos I didn’t answer him..who’s supposed to be upset here? You spend the whole day with May and I didn’t know until I called, what if something happened? I didn’t still say a word I was busy with my phone… Okay, I’m sorry I raised my voice at you and I ended the call the way I did it’s just I didn’t feel comfortable with the whole thing….he said after sometime. You should be glad I’ve seen someone I can hang out with when you’re busy, and not just anybody but someone you know I told him.. I’m sorry baby, so where did you two go and what were you people talking about? He asked me trying to lighten up my mood .. We went to many places I can’t remember right now and we talked about a lot of things, I can’t start telling you all right now… I answered him. A lot of things? Hmmm like what now? he asked as if he was expecting a particular information… I can’t start breaking it down, just normal stuff… I replied… Did you people talk about Me? He asked…sure we did, nothing major tho… Okay, cool then he replied as we drove to his house….  

   I left school by 1pm on Friday because May said she will be coming over and she complained about not having a proper home cooked meal in a long time, I already got the foodstuffs from the market the previous day so I was just going to cook…. Luckily for me traffic was almost clear so I got home by 2.30 …….May arrived by 4pm like she said she would, she didn’t stop complimenting the house…we ate, she started gisting me about her boyfriend “Tunde”who is doing his masters in Canada….she asked how I met Dele, she told me how she knew Dele and Tony, said some nice things about them. We just talked and laughed a lot. She has this positive energy that makes hanging out with her amazing. Sometimes I’ll pause and imagine why Dele acts up when I talk about her, she had nothing but nice things to say about him…

      Baby I wish you can spend the night at my place, you’ve never done that…Dele said as we were leaving the movies… Why didn’t you say it since? I can’t come like this, I have to pick stuffs from the house plus I’m not sure what Awu will say ooo I replied him… I was thinking about Awu too but it doesn’t hurt to try, let get stuffs for her Dele said ……………okay baby, I’ll be waiting here Dele said as I came down from the car…… I went into the room packed a few things into my bag and came out to the parlour where Awu was……please I’ll be going for a party with Dele, I won’t come back I told Awu… Party with that big bag? Looking like this? Go and sleep in a mans house, that’s what you want…. She said and turned back facing the TV like she wasn’t interested… It’s a party really, I’ll change up at Dele’s I told her waiting for a better approval… Dodeye go ooooo,be careful she said… Your stuffs are in the kitchen I told her walking out….. Just know I’ll call your father and tell him you’ve packed, this is how it starts Awu said and then hissed…..

  Happy Valentines Day……Your feedbacks are important to me, please drop them as a comment. Thankyou 

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