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Our relationship blossomed as the months went by, Dele made sure I had no reason to doubt his love for me, he didn’t hesitate to take me to any public gathering, showing me off to his friends and the world in general became his favorite thing to do… Most of his friends liked me but my favorite of his friends was Tony….

   Baby please I want you to meet my friend, he just came from the states and has been disturbing to meet you.. Alright love what time? I asked Dele….I would have preffered 6pm but I want him to see your face well so I’ll come and pick you by 4… Dele replied…. You’re too funny, let me start getting ready then it’s already 2… I said and hung up..

    This one you’re looking this fine, let my friend not take you away ooo Dele said as I got into his car… If you let him.. I replied with a wink… You know I won’t, it’s forever and always baby, you’re my soulmate he said while driving… Soulmate? That’s deep I said laughing, the word soulmate just sounded like what my parents would say and it made me laugh so hard, when I stopped laughing I noticed Dele’s countenance had changed, he looked angry… No, baby you’re my soulmate, it’s just the word sounds too…. and then I started laughing again before I could finish the sentence, I tickled Dele as I was laughing so maybe he’ll lighten up, he didn’t laugh so I continued tickling him till he said “you want us to have an accident” I’ll die with you soulmate I replied and he started laughing, I joined…

    Hey my name is Tony and you’re Dodeye 21 living with your elder sister at Akoka, this is your sixth month in Lagos, your favorite color is red and bla bla bla , Dele has told me so much about you, everything I’d think… Tony said holding my hands immediately we got into his house..Nice to meet you Tony, the pleasure is all yours as you can see I replied smiling… He didn’t tell me you’re cocky, I guess there’s more to learn about you, let’s go over there and sit he pointed to the other side of the parlour that looked like a club, just it had more light than a club would… This is my friend May,I call her my best friend but she really isn’t he said pointing at the girl that was already seated at the “club parlour” don’t mind him please, nice to meet you she said… You are? Dodeye and it’s your pleasure to meet her..Tony answered before I could….we all started laughing while I was looking around for the best place to seat.. 

    Tony and May are very very fun people, I asked them a million times why they weren’t dating and everytime I mention it theyll be like “ewwwwwwwww” . It was really surprising that people who vibed that much didn’t consider themselves compatible and decided to friend zone each other… Well, May served in Lagos and was retained so she had to stay, she claimed she didn’t have any female friends and was really excited she has seen a girl she likes and can hang out with… ” Lagos girls have tattoos and piercings everywhere, I can’t be seen with them in public please” she said… Dele was just seated at one corner smiling at us while we were gisting, he will laugh if we say something really funny…..before we left May got my number and pin…

   Our drive back home was so short, I’m guessing it’s because there was a lot to talk about and we didn’t quite finish before we got to the house, ” May got my number and pin, she’s a cool girl ooo, some girls will just be forming anyhow” I told Dele as we were parked outside still gisting….. She got your what? Dele asked with a tone I didn’t understand if it was anger or surprise…my number and pin, she also said we can be hanging out I answered don’t like her? I asked… Why won’t i? I was just a bit surprised he replied still not sounding happy..Have a nice drive back home baby I told him and stepped out of the car..

    No show today? Awu asked looking at me with disappointment in her eyes as I got into the parlor, don’t tell me you didn’t prepare anything ooo I asked her cos I was really hungry.. I didn’t eat anything at Tony’s I just had a few drinks… It’s typical for a boy not to have food in his house….Why didn’t you call to say you won’t bring take away now? Awu asked raising her voice…must I bring back food everytime I go out? Did I even eat? I asked her..Please don’t shout at me ooo I added… Is it not only Wednesday’s, Saturday’s and Sunday’s? Are you paying rent? Bringing food is the least you can do…go and prepare noodles jor, put 2sardines and 3 eggs …she commanded.. I’m sure you know who’s eating two eggs she shouted as I was walking into the kitchen… 

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