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Dinner with Dele was amazing , he looked better than the first day I saw him…. I wore one of my favorite red dresses with my 8 inches black heels that made me almost taller than him. He made me feel very special with the way he treated me.. I couldn’t stop smiling….. At about 11pm he took me back home.    Awu please I’m outside, can you come and open the door? I asked her after she decided to pick up… Please Dodeye I’m sleeping, can you go back to where you came from ? She asked back.. I brought ice cream,Chocolate flavor I said with a soft tone hoping it’ll help her change her mind. I thought you don’t have sense she replied. I’m coming she added. … She has agreed to open the door, I told you the ice cream will help.. I said to dele as he hugged me goodnight…

Talking to dele became like having meals ” three times daily” and a midnight snack some days, Wednesday’s were his free days so he would pick me up from school to my house or we’ll go to his  house at times and when it’s getting late he would take me home. We go to the cinema every Saturday and the beach every Sunday… He was my only friend so I really didn’t have anyone else to see or anything else to do… Our friendship was one month when we decided to start dating…….

I introduced Dele to Awu so she stopped disturbing, and he knew how to bribe her anytime he brings me back home late so she liked him……. Dele is not coming to take you out today? Awu asked as I laid on the couch fiddling with my phone… It’s not yet time I replied her…. Hmmm, this one he’s coming late, when will he now bring you back? She asked… I don’t know if he’s coming again , seems like he’s busy I answered her… Hian! He should come o,I am not planning to cook today she said folding her arms… Tufia!! I exclaimed looking at her, God will help you I added as I walked out of the parlor into the room….. Yes!! God will help me and he will come I heard her scream back…

It was a Wednesday and we just got to Dele’s house after he picked me up from work… When I got in, I noticed the dinning was set and the aroma I perceived was driving me crazy already, I couldn’t blame myself, all I had eaten that day was meat pie ….darling are we having visitors? I asked him while opening some of the flasks on the dining table… Ain’t you my visitor? He asked me smiling so hard…. Please talk jor, I’m really hungry I replied laughing … It’s for you honey , I realized I haven’t really cooked for you and i was missing you so bad so I kept myself busy..He said…. Awwwww honey that’s really sweet of you ..I replied,I don’t even know what to say I added then walked to him and kissed him… I’ll just shower and wear my favorite tee then come and dig into the food I said while jumping into the room….

You didn’t tell me you’re such an amazing cook I said to Dele while I was eating, Dele decided to sit and watch me eat, he said watching me eat happily satisfies him..he’s just so cute….I don’t like to brag , I’m sure by now you know that’s not the only thing I’m very good at he said looking at me some type of way… Just go away please, is that not you bragging now? I replied laughing… If I have to go away, you know I’ll go with you baby he said laughing too. Oya it’s okay before I choke.. I said reaching for my glass of water when he carried it and ran to the other side of the table, you’re such a baby I said laughing as I got up to retrieve the glass of water from him…..

I was trying to iron my clothes for work the next day when Dele messaged me saying ” I wish everyday was Wednesday” I smiled and replied ” I do too honey”. Just as I got done ironing and was about to change up to my night clothes, Awu screamed my name like she just saw a snake, I ran to the parlour where she was sitting and eating comfortably, I looked around and noticed she had no reason to scream that loud… Are you trying to tell me Dele cooked this food I heard her ask as I was still trying to understand why she screamed… No o, it’s his gateman I replied, hissed and was walking out when I heard her say ….oh! He has a gateman?


SWITCH “3” will be posted on Saturday…please your feedbacks are really important to me, leave them as a comment … Thank you for your support, I appreciate…


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