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Switch “1”

It’s been 6months with Dele and I’ve had something close to the love I see in movies, his words of affirmation and acts of service are just few ways he shows his love for me. I’m Dodeye , 21 years from CrossRiver state,I am a youth corper and I’ve been serving in Lagos state for 8months now.

Before I left Calabar I was in a relationship with victor , he wasn’t exactly the Prince Charming kinda handsome guy but he had an amazing voice, it was okay with us both until he started flirting with every girl he came across or that’s what I’ll think because tons of girl just kept flocking into his life , we quarreled everyday for the same reason but he wasn’t ready to change so I broke up with him just before I came to Lagos, I made up my mind to start afresh .

 Lagos isn’t exactly my kind of city, I’m a really quiet girl that doesn’t like stress, I function properly in really quiet and beautiful environments, probably why I’ll always love Calabar.  so why did I choose Lagos? Because my sister lives here and my dad thinks it’s proper to serve where there’s family. My first two weeks out of camp were the worst, my sisters house to where I teach is like 2hrs away so I literally cry everyday on my way to school and back.
  This day I was really tired after teaching those kids that forget after 30seconds and struggling to get into a bus wasn’t part of my plan for the day so I just stood by oshodi bus stop watching people do their thing and hoping they’ll be less crowd so that getting into a bus wouldn’t be a biggie. While standing for over an hour and forming miss ladylike I noticed a tall dark guy come out from a car that has been parked for almost as long as I’ve waited. You know you won’t get into a bus if you continue like this yea? He asked… Struggling and jumping into a bus isn’t part of my agenda for today I responded looking the other way.. So how do you intend to get home? He asked….. I’m sure they’ll be less crowd soon and getting into a bus wouldn’t be so hard I responded…. Today is your lucky day, I’m less busy so I’ll take you he said… Where exactly are you going? He asked … Akoka I replied as we were walking to his car… Oh! He exclaimed and halted I should have asked first, that’s quite a distance he added. Yea it is I said and opened the door hoping he doesn’t change his mind.
     My sister warns me everyday to never accept rides from strangers , she will say.      ” Dodeye Lagos boys are not like Calabar boys, do not get into the car of someone you don’t know” she will scare me with tales of things that happened to girls that accepted rides from strange guys.. I was a little frightened but what frightened me most was struggling and jumping into a bus so I choose the ride.
            I’m Dele, you? He asked while we were moving… I’m Dodeye I replied…. It’s obvious you’re new in Lagos, what are you here for? He asked ….. I’m a youth corper I replied… Nice, how long have you been here? He asked trying to maneuver the traffic…. Next tomorrow will make it a month I answered. Hmmm fresh blood he said smiling, no wonder you’re acting like this, after a while you’ll get used to Lagos life he said. Please I can’t get used to this kind of life o I answered and folded my arms like a baby complaining to her father… Why so cute? He said laughing….. I don’t know how else to be I replied with a grin. The ride home wasn’t boring at all, we talked about basic things like where I schooled, what I studied, what I teach, who I live with, where he lives, works, what he does for fun…. I told him how boring Lagos has been and how I have no social life here. It’s been less than a month, trust me it’ll get better ,you have 11 more months that’s if you don’t fall in love with the place and decide to stay longer he said sarcastically. Tah!! I can’t stay longer o, Lagos is not for me I answered like we were arguing.
     It was an amazing long ride with you Dodeye, enjoy the rest of your day he said as he parked in front of my sisters house, Thankyou very much for the ride I appreciate I said trying to open the door… We can celebrate your one month in Lagos if you don’t have plans, you mentioned you like dressing up for dinners so I’ll make reservations and call you he said just before I stepped out from the car. No problem I said smiling. I’ll like that I added and walked into the house…
      Boys have started dropping you at home Dodeye? Awu( my sister) shouted as I walked into the house…. It’s a boy not boys I replied while walking into the room feeling too tired to exchange words with her… Oh a boy, a boy she kept on shouting and following me into the room……
It’s the first episode of my first series ever… switch”2″ will be posted next week saturday or earlier if I’m done. please your feedbacks are really important to me… leave them as a comment. Thankyou for your support.
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